This book provides an easy and intuitive tool for English teachers, both specialists and specialized, to prepare their 5th-year pupils to the English Language INVALSI Test for Primary School.
Every test in the TRAINING Section is structured in accordance to the instructions provided by the INVALSI Institute, in order to be as close as possible to the official tests.
The English Language INVALSI Test for Primary School’s 5th year is made up of two parts:
Even though these INVALSI Tests will not contain Grammar practice nor Use of English, it seemed useful to supply an additional instrument to train the kids’ brain, providing a WARM UP Preliminary Section with a series of activities for the review of acquired structures and vocabulary.
READY, STEADY, GO! INVALSI is a comprehensive aid, supporting teachers in the preparation for the INVALSI Tests as well as their in itinere assessment of the learning progress. Every test is in line with the skills and abilities set forth in the Indicazioni nazionali per il curricolo and the A1 Level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), which is foreseen for the end of Primary Education.
The Teacher’s Book contains full keys to the proposed activities and transcriptions of all the audio tracks. Teachers will therefore be able to choose which tracks they propose to the class on the basis of the topics they are dealing with in their programming in a given period of the year.
The audio CD with the listening tests is attached to the Teacher’s Book.
Audio recordings of all listening tests are also available as an online download for students.