NEW GEAR UP is a book mainly addressed to technical and professional institutes related to Mechanics, Mechatronics and Power. Simple, clear and full of contents, this book is focused on micro-language learning, according to the CLIL criteria, through texts about technical topics related to the main subjects of the course. The technical texts are short and essential and they take into account the students prerequisites and their attention spans.
Moreover, there are a lot of readings and activities that arise from technical contents, provide general culture and civilization topics, possibly leading to discussions even about current events related to the area of interest and with fundamental contents. In addition to an introduction whom main goal is to evaluate the students beginning levels, the modular subdivision of the text is of inter-disciplinary nature: in fact, every module corresponds to a subject of the course. The technical text is divided into 7 modules; the last of them includes subjects related to mechatronics, otherwise mechanics, electronics and information technology, in consideration of the new technical and professional course that attributes value to mechatronics. Module 8 is very innovative: an integration of social and literary nature that proposes some topics related to Great Britain, United States and Ireland civilizations. The suggested topics are focused on the first industrial revolution period, victorian age until more recent times with references to the modern technoogy applied to music and cinema. The volume is completed by “Focus on looking for a job”, dedicated to the entry into employment.The appendix includes a lot of grammar references, the vocabular of terms present in the text and a list of acronyms.
The text has been entirely conceived and developed following the CLIL criteria. Therefore, the didactic units allow, according to the ministerial provisions, to bring the majority of technical topics in English. Furthermore, the volume is extremely innovative and multimedia; especially through various links, indicated in the printed volume and inserted in the e-book, the student can have access to a lot ofThe text features also the: