This text is intended for Catering Institutes students that are attending their last year of study and who belong to "wine and food" and "dining and sale services" fields.
This book is in line with what has been stated by the Ministerial Directives of the new system where English language teaching contributes, (together with all the other subjects), to make students reach, (at the end of the five-year course of studies), a series of cultural and professional goals:
Moreover, the reform of the vocational institutes in the wine and food and hospitality fields expects foreign language teaching to integrate with professional skills oriented to the client using communication and relationship techniques to optimize the quality of service and the colleagues' coordination, as well as to promote and make local, national and international traditions valuable (by identifying new industry trends).
The volume is divided into four modules, one for each season. They follow the division of the academic year, beginning with autumn and ending with summer. Every module starts with a different season, covering, at the beginning, the related food, the method to prepare it and the recipes connected to it. This approach follows the current widespread trend in catering to promote the offer of seasonal products by offering appropriate menus, it also allows to easily organise the programme by dedicating two modules to each term that follow the season flow (first term: module 1 autumn and module 2 winter, second term: module 3 spring and module 4 summer).
The first module covers the aspects related to health and healthy nutrition through a discussion about meals and the different food styles.
The second module deals with new kitchen technologies and the current trends in the world of food service such as Slow Food and biological food.
The third module proposes an overview of eating habits of the main European and non-European countries, with the relative wine and food specialities.
The fourth module covers the alcoholic beverage, including wine and the main vine variety, liqueurs, spirits and beer.
At the end of every module there is a ‘Cooking the books’ section, which proposes students a 'taste' of literary extracts related to food and offers a cue and an incentive to read.
The theoretical parts of the text are shown clearly, simply and concisely, discussing the most current and most relevant aspects of the reality of food service, and are combined with a rich and various series of activities.
The new element that keeps the text up to date with new technologies is represented by links to different websites on which the student can find additional authentic materials useful to consolidate the skills acquired.
All of the material used for the realisation of the text is strictly authentic and up to date.
The volume comes together with a guide for the teacher containing the solutions of the exercices, the listening activities transcripts and proposals of written exams related to the programme.